- I will not micromanage. I will support the decisions made by those who have been elected as our town officials, appointed to our committees, or hired as employees.
- Each and every member of the Town Board will be given all information on matters that require a vote prior to the vote so that they can render their own, educated, decision.
- I seek the position of Supervisor for the Town of Claverack. I have no desire to seek higher political office. I wish to serve the Town of Claverack to the best of my ability and concentrate mainly on issues that pertain to the Town.
- As Supervisor, I will make myself available to all of the residents of the Town of Claverack, including the Village of Philmont, and listen to their needs, concerns and suggestions.
- I will work with all departments to seek ways of cutting expenses to maintain a balanced budget without continually reducing our reserve balances that are important to the financial health and stability of the Town.
- The Claverack Town Park is a big asset to our community. I will ensure the Park is maintained and upgraded, and ensure its availability to everyone.
- I support the plan to construct a new Pine Haven facility. It serves the people who have been a part of our community most of their lives and is also one of the largest employers in this area.